Antique Alley Texas
Grandview Masonic Lodge is the oldest Lodge in Johnson County in continuous operation since the date Chartered. The first Masonic Lodge in Johnson County, Texas, was located in the town of Buchannan in 1858, but demised in 1859.
The earliest written records for the Grandview Lodge are dated December 8th, 1860, for the purpose of making petition to the Grand Lodge of Texas for a Charter. The petitioning members were L.M Richards, W.W Madison, D.L Files, B.B Lightfoot, T.D Taliaferro, A.D Kinnard, and A.J Hart.
On June 14th, 1861, Grandview Masonic Lodge received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Texas, which was then Located in Houston, Texas.
The Chapter of R.A.M #93 was chartered on June 18, 1869. While the Council of R.&S.M # 56 was chartered on December 3rd, 1907 and the Order of Eastern Star was chartered on January 22nd, 1932 and demised in the early 1980’s.
The Lodge was located in the town that was then called Grand View, which was located near the site that Grandview Cemetery now occupies. Reports indicate that the Lodge occupied the upper floor of a log structure. The bottom floor was a school, the first school in Johnson County, which also was instituted by the Masons. This building also appears to have doubled as the Baptist or Methodist Church.
The Lodge moved along with the town to its current location and was situated on a piece of property donated by Mr. J.T. Smyth. This property was located west of the Railroad on Front St. and 25 ft. South of Criner St.
This building was owned jointly by the Masons and the Methodist Church whose interest was later purchased by the Lodge for $200.00. Before moving into the building in 1886, meetings were held in the upper story of a brick building, which was located on S.E Criner and on the second lot from the Railroad.
The Lodge building was eventually sold in 1893 and a new building was erected where the Masonic Lodge now sets. During construction of this new building the meetings were held in a rented building until 1895.
On March 14, 1920, a great fire swept through Grandview and destroyed many buildings including one hundred buildings, the Masonic Lodge, all Churches, one school, and four blocks of businesses were lost. Though the building was lost, the Masonic Spirit could not be destroyed by fire. A new home for Grandview #266 was soon constructed and in good standing. During construction of this new Lodge, meetings were held in the lobby of the First National Bank.
For years, it was assumed that the oldest records of the Lodge were lost in one of these fires. However in 2009, these records were located.
The first Masters degree was held on April 20, 1861, for Brother David Smith.
The first election of officers was on June 27, 1861. Officers elected were H.C Childress Worshipful Master, J.M Gentry Senior Warden, and Brother W. Harrison Junior Warden.
The first recorded initiation of an Entered Apprentice was for Brothers J.D Cooper and David Smith on February 23, 1861.
Brother Cooper was a member of Capt. Neal’s Co. Col Parsons Brigade. He also holds another distinction as being the first member of The Lodge to fall in battle during the War Between the States (Civil War) on October 4th 1862. Brother William Landers fell on July 25, 1863, at Jenkins Ferry, Arkansas and Brother S.K Smith fell on February 11, 1864, at Virginia Point, Virginia.
Another interesting fact from the Civil War era was learned, in 2009, when Bro. Mark Watson found himself in the possession of a Bible. The Bible was printed in Philadelphia and, in 1863, traveled to Ohio, Arkansas and points unknown before coming back to Cleburne.
The Bible had belonged to Mr. Elbert M. Heath and may have been among his most prized possessions during the Civil War, while he was incarcerated as a prisoner of war in Johnson Island, Ohio. The Bible was given to Bro Heath by Bro. B.B Mullins, a Past Master in a Kentucky Masonic Lodge and who was a prisoner of War with Bro. Heath.
After the war, Bro. Heath returned to Texas, walking barefoot from Texarkana to Johnson County. He was a key founding figure in the establishment of Johnson County and served the County in several offices. He was also among the founding members of Grandview Masonic Lodge. The Bible is currently on display at the Johnson County Courthouse Museum in Cleburne, TX.
In the days before the Civil War, an old hand bell was rung to call the members to the Lodge for meetings.
Grandview Masonic Lodge was very instrumental in the advancement of Free Masonry in Johnson and the surrounding Counties by making the recommendation to the Grand Lodge for the charter other Lodges.
In 1866- Acton Lodge # 285 in Acton TX.
1869- Alvarado Masonic Lodge # 314 in Alvarado, TX.
1869- Cleburne Masonic Lodge # 315 in Cleburne, TX.
1876- R.E. Lee Masonic Lodge # 449 in Itasca, TX.
1876- D.S. Files Masonic Lodge # 520 in Files Valley, TX-Closed
1880- Auburn Masonic Lodge # 524 in Auburn now Maypearl, TX.
1886- New Hope Masonic Lodge # 652 now Covington, TX
The records for our Lodge mostly contain the usual activity during stated meetings and include such information as: the names and dates that a petition for membership is made, their usual progression in the Fraternity, Deaths, Burial services, Honors and awards, Demits, and elected officers.
This is treasured information and history for our Lodge, our Fraternity of friends and brothers. This information was collected for the celebration of our 150 year anniversary to take place on June 14, 2011. In another 150 years, with and by the grace of God, perhaps future generations will learn of us.